Sunday, March 05, 2006

One more for the lady

One more for the lady. I did not have enough yarn for one colour solution so I made a rim out of that lucious violet I love so much.


Saturday, March 04, 2006

De ja vu

It might feel bit like de ja vu but this is not the same hat. The older kid wanted one too and I started this at morning an finnished a while ago. Way fast project, I think.

Now the kids are crawling on the floor playing cats. Nice.

Ps. What a pose!


Friday, March 03, 2006

Cat- hat

I visited a friend today and she had done theese cat hats with two different kinds of yarn. Got inspired to try similar thing with non- woll yarns (kids are allergig) and made this simple hat to the smaller one who herself picked the colours of yarns.

Surprisingly quick and fun project, finnished in one day.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Recycling Dance

Recycling Dance, 2006
Knitted trash yarn, phonebook pages.

Why do they print over million phonebooks every day in Finland?
Is useless material usable even for decorative uses?
Can knitting and phonebook paper be combined.

It was interesting to think about possibilities how to combine knitting with this soft paper. I used dropped stitches to create places where the paper can be slipped in.

I am going to study the combination of materials more. Need to see if there is a possibility to actually knit with paper itself...

Yarn bying diet

Last month I participated in Finnish knitbloggers yarn diet where people signed for not to buy any new yarn and try to knit as much as they can from their yarnstash.

I did some bookmarks, samplers for an article coming later in spring, this wrap and one wallpiece.

The idea of not buying stuff if you dont need is merely impossible for all the crafters I know. As if we all have lived trough desperate times of hunger and financial depression and now are trying to have as much sugar under our beds as possible.

It would be funny if there would be at least SOME free space in our home. There aint. And wont be untill I learn to actually USE that nice and expencive stuff I have collected for at least over a decade now.
